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开放电力市场(简称OEM)的引入彻底改变了家庭和企业管理能源消耗的方式. 通过为消费者提供选择除SP集团以外的电力供应商的机会, OEM授权新加坡消费者对其能源需求进行财务控制. 这样,消费者可以比受规管的电费更节省电费. As the largest energy generator and retailer in Singapore, Senoko能源不仅在适应不断变化的能源市场方面发挥着重要作用,而且在推动转型方面也发挥着重要作用. 我们坚定地致力于满足国家多样化的能源需求, 我们制定了各种价格方案,以适应家庭和企业的不同消费习惯. This affords consumers greater choices, 使他们能够为他们的家庭或企业提供适合他们消费模式和预算的适当电力计划.

OEM Electricity Plans That Deliver Long-Term Value

我们的发电厂已经为新加坡电力市场提供了40多年的能源, strengthening our expertise in this field. 这使我们能够提供智能和创新的能源解决方案,并牢记消费者的最佳利益. 随着我们适应不断变化的环境和新技术, 我们将继续提供更清洁、高质量的能源,以支持全球可持续发展的努力. Our innovative approach and unwavering commitment to be responsible stewards of our planet 向消费者保证,他们可以依靠我们提供可靠和负担得起的电力,同时尽量减少他们的碳足迹. 

At Senoko Energy, we take pride in delivering exceptional value to customers, 这延伸到我们在开放电力市场的能源计划中. 提供新加坡零售商中最具竞争力的价格, we not only meet customers’ energy demands but also deliver unrivalled gains. 我们了解消费者的日常能源需求,并帮助满足他们的最佳成本节约交易,同时为客户带来价值 Senoko Smart Rewards and promotions. 做出明智的能源选择,并与Senoko能源一起享受巨大的回报!

What Sets Us Apart In The Open Electricity Market

Trusted Leader In Singapore’s OEM Field

We come with a legacy 40多年来,我们一直以最便宜的价格为新加坡开放的电力市场提供优质的解决方案,并遵循您可以信赖的行业标准.

Innovative Offerings

From lifestyle offers to exclusive giveaways, 我们的客户可以在他们的家庭和生活方式需求的其他领域享受更大的价值 Senoko Smart Rewards.

Personalised Customer Service

With our quick and friendly customer service, we address your queries 关于新加坡开放电力市场的价格和产品的专业性和奉献精神.

Rate Comparison with SP

Switch To An OEM Retailer In Singapore 
And Save On Electricity Costs

The current regulated electricity tariff by SP Group is 31.82 cents/kWh for Q4 2022. Take advantage of the Open Electricity Market in Singapore and save more than 30% each month with our electricity plans.

View Our Plans

Hear From Our Customers

“我们选择Senoko能源是因为他们有一个灵活的12个月计划. The sign-up experience was pretty easy. and everything was up and running almost immediately!"

- Milly, Senoko Energy customer

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Get Powered With Senoko Energy

With the Open Electricity Market, 您可以享受直接的定价计划,与目前受管制的关税相比,价格要低得多. Among the electricity retailers in Singapore, Senoko Energy is at the forefront of this paradigm shift. As such, 我们具有竞争力的价格敏锐地反映了当前消费者的需求,并确保稳定应对未来的市场条件和需求, 使我们的客户能够自信地驾驭不断变化的能源格局.

Since the launch of the Open Electricity Market in May 2019, 49%的家庭选择了他们喜欢的OEM零售商,并在每月的账单上取得了令人满意的结果.

使用Senoko Energy进行转换和节省:看看有吸引力的产品 price plans for households and companies on our website to get started. Alternatively, browse our FAQs today 学习如何与Senoko能源一起收获更经济、更可持续的能源未来!

^ As of 7 May 2021, according to the Energy Market Authority

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Refer A Friend For A Bill Rebate


When you refer a friend to switch to Senoko Energy, 你们俩都可以一次性获得30美元的电费回扣. Earn your dollar with your friend!

Start Referring

Recommended Plans

Switch and enjoy low electricity rates from 29.79¢/kWh (w/GST) vs Q1 2024 SP Tariff 32.58¢/kWh (w/GST)!

The fixed rates displayed are inclusive of prevailing GST. 根据发票日期,他们将受到IRAS即将公布的商品及服务税变化的影响.


24 months plan



Lock in our low 24-month fixed rate


12 months plan



Lock in our low 12-month fixed rate


24 months plan



Lock in our low 24-month fixed rate


How much can I save by switching to an electricity retailer?


举个例子:平均每月电费100美元, you can save around $30 by switching to Senoko Energy.

Maximise your savings now with our exclusive offers and promotions.

What are the electricity price plans I can choose from?

Senoko能源提供各种固定费率和折扣关税(DOT)标准 electricity price plans. 固定费率计划要求你在合同期间支付固定费率. 在合同期间,汇率不受波动的影响, 它可能高于或低于标准普尔每季度波动的管制关税. 折扣关税计划提供比现行SP的管制关税价格低的折扣, which is revised every quarter. 这意味着你的电费是浮动的,你可以保证节省每季度的电费.

How do I make the switch to Senoko Energy?


  • Sign up online
  • Head down to our roadshows near you
  • LiveChat与我们友好的客户解决方案专家直接在我们的网站上
  • Connect with us if you need further assistance with making the switch

Best of all, no registration fees are required to switch.

How long will the switching process take?

在收到您的申请和证明文件后,转账过程将在6个工作日内完成. Learn more on the switching process.